
Thursday, 19 July 2012

Mandi - Himachal Pradesh

Mandi is located on the Midlands of the Himalayan range and the hills of the area are Sikandar Dhar, Ghugar Dhar and Dhar Kot. Due to its geographical location the city is prone to earthquakes. Snowfalls have however reduced considerably due to increasing temperature and global warming.

The Mandi district shares its boundaries with Kangra, Kullu, Hamirpur, Sohan, Bilaspur and Shimla. Mandi is a Dev Bhumi (land of Gods) with almost 81 known temples and is popularly called Choti Kashi (Small Kashi). It is also known as the Varanasi of Hills due to its immense range of carvings.

Mandi was earlier known as Mandav Nagar and the name was derived from the Great Sage Rishi 'Mandav' who is believed to have meditated here. The devotion of the sage turned the rocks black. As time passed by Mandav Nagar became Mandi.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Guru pournami

GURU POURNAMI is sacred for many reasons: this day; the seeker who suffers from identification with the false objective world is initiated into the reality of the ‘unseen motivator’within him; this day; those who have no urge to tread the spiritual path are inspired to seek the bliss which that path will confer; this day, aspirants are helped to achieve the consciousness of the One, which is known by many Names and through many Forms, in various languages and lands. With the rise of the Sun, the world is bathed in light and heat. So too, with the oncoming of Guru pournami the human heart is bathed in peace and security. Guru pournami is not just one day in the year, marked out in the calendar. It is all days when the Mind of Man (whose presiding deity is the Moon) becomes full of pleasant coolness, fully illumined with the light from the Sun, (intelligence, and discrimination).

What is Guru Purnima?

Full moon day Hindu Ashad months (July-August) is observed as a promising day Guru Purnima, a day sacred to the memory of the great sage Vyasa. All Hindus are responsible for this ancient saint who edited the four VEDAS, wrote 18 Puranen the Mahabharata and the Bhagavata SrĂ­mad. Vyasa even taught Dattatreya, regarded as the Guru of Gurus.

The Significance of Guru Purnima:

On this day all the candidates and spiritual devotee worship Vyasa in honor of his divine person, and all disciples perform a “Puja” for their respective spiritual preceptor or “Gurudevs.

Today it is a deep significance for farmers, because it heralds the setting in for much-needed rainfall, the introduction of cool shower ushers in fresh life in the fields. It is a good time to start the spiritual experience. Traditionally, spiritual seekers start to intensify their spiritual ’sadhana’ from this day.

Period ‘Chaturmas starting from today. In the past, wandering spiritual masters and their disciples to live in a place to study and discussion on the Brahma sutra, composed by Vyasa, and engage themselves in Vedantic discussions.

Role as Guru:

Swami Sivananda asks: “Are you ready now sacred significance and importance of Supreme Commander Guru’s role in the evolution of man? It was not without reason that India in the past carefully tended and kept alive the lamp of Guru-Tattva. It is therefore not without reason that india, year after year, year after year, commemorates turn this old concept of Guru, love it and the shelves again and again, and thus re-confirm their faith and allegiance to it. For the true Indian by the Guru is the only guarantee for the certain to exceed the Bondage of grief and death, and experience the sensation of reality. ”

Guru Brahma gurur Vishnuh,
Gurur dhevo Maheswarah
Gurussaakshaath Parabrahma
Thasmai Shri Gurave namah
Next: Find out how to Observe Day …

At the Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, the Guru Purnima is celebrated every year in great style.

1. All candidates awake at Brahmamuhurta, at 4 o’clock. They meditate on the Guru and sang his prayers.

2. Later today, the worship of holy Guru’s Feet is performed. Of this worship it is said in the Guru Gita:
Dhyaana moolam guror murtih;
Pooja moolam guror padam;
Mantra moolam guror vakyam;
Moksha moolam guror kripa

“The Guru’s form should be meditated upon; feet on the Guru shall worshiped his words should be treated as a sacred mantra; his grace ensures final liberation”.

3. Sadhus and Sannyasins then worshiped and fed kl.

4. There is continuous Satsang where discourses are held in honor of the devotion to the Guru in particular, and on spiritual topics in general.

5. Worthy candidates are initiated into the Holy Order of Sannyas, as this is a very promising opportunity.

6. From disciples fast and spend the whole day in prayer. They also take fresh food for spiritual development.

The Guru’s Advice :

Swami Sivananda recommends: “Wake up Brahmamuhurta (at 4 am) on the most holy day. Meditate on the Lotus feet of your Guru. Mental ask him for his grace, which alone can achieve self-realization. Do vigorous Japa and meditate in the early morning hours.

“After the bath, worship the Lotus feet of your Guru, or his picture or a picture of flowers, fruits, incense and camphor. Fixed or only milk and fruit during the day.

In the afternoon, sitting with other devotee of the Guru and discuss them with the glories and teachings of Guru.

“Alternatively, you can observe the lifting of silence and study books, or writing your Guru, or mentallyreflect upon his teachings. Take fresh dishes on this holy day, to tread the spiritual path in accordance with the rules of your Guru.

“At night, gather with other devotee, singing, and the name of the Lord & the glories of the Guru. The best form of worship of the Guru is to follow his teachings, to shine as the embodiment of his teachings, and to spread His glory and his message.